skin care

What to do with Summer Dermatitis?

In summer, skin itching, redness, and swelling may occur due to various reasons, which makes it uncomfortable. Today we will analyze what is going on with dermatitis in summer.


Manifestations of summer dermatitis

Sensitive skin is prone to react in summer. Greasy, tension, acne on the forehead, inexplicable redness, etc., will cause damage to the skin barrier over time. Damaged skin cannot protect normal tissues. In turn, it will aggravate inflammation. This is the vicious circle of inflammation.


The main skin condition at this time is that the skin is unstable during the season, redness and peeling and itching, inflammation and acne are difficult to subside, red blood streaks continue to expand, and so on.


If the inflammation state continues to fail, these excessively released free radicals will also attack the skin’s collagen and keratinocytes, causing the collage to harden and become fragile prematurely, the skin becomes harder, and the keratinocyte apoptosis is unbalanced. These results will not only cause skin peeling but also cause skin dehydration and roughness, wrinkles and fine lines, sagging, and aging.


Types and causes of summer dermatitis


Solar dermatitis

If exposed to the sun for several hours to more than 10 hours, ultraviolet radiation causes a variety of cells in the dermis to release inflammatory mediators such as histamine, serotonin, kinin, and the blood vessels in the dermis expand and increase permeability leading to solar dermatitis.


This type of dermatitis mostly occurs in the limbs and trunk, etc., and is distributed symmetrically. The first manifestation is local redness, and then there will be dense red papules, which are unbearable itching.


Many people who have solar dermatitis can’t help but scratch, which leads to wound on the skin. If you wash the wound with hot water at this time, it will cause, mild hypertrophy and pigmentation of the skin.



The summer weather is humid and hot. According to relevant statistics, 16% of people lose their temper due to high temperatures. This psychological change caused by hot weather can cause skin diseases, which as neurodermatitis.


On the other hand, summer is warm and rainy, and the damp and hot environment can easily weaken the function of the human spleen and stomach, leading to indigestion, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal dysfunction, which can lead to neurodermatitis.


Neurodermatitis generally appears on our neck, limbs, armpits, vulva, and other parts. Because it is paroxysmal itching, it will be very itchy at night and even affect sleep.


Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is the phenomenon of allergy caused by contact with something. Divided into two situations:


Allergic contact dermatitis: it is caused by some allergens (such as cosmetics, jewelry, perfume, etc.).


Irritating contact dermatitis: skin discomfort that occurs when something (such as cosmetics, food, hair dye, etc.) irritates the skin.


How to prevent summer dermatitis?

  • Avoid exposure to the sun, take good care of sun protection

In summer, sunlight is the strongest from 10 am to 2 pm, so try to avoid outdoor activities during this period. And pay attention to sun protection when going out.


  • Keep good habits

Overwork should be avoided in daily work, and mental stress should be eliminated. Proper exercise can improve the body’s resistance and keep the body in a good health condition.


In summer, try to reduce the consumption of spicy and irritating foods, and do not eat raw, cold, or fatty foods that are difficult to digest to avoid damaging the spleen and stomach.


  • Gentle cleansing

Use mild cleansing ingredients for skin cleansing, and avoid excessive use of cleansing products, which may damage the sebum film and cause skin sensitivity.


  • Use skincare products correctly

In summer, skin sebaceous glands secrete vigorously, and the face often feels greasy, which neglects the importance of skin moisturizing and repair.


Selecting skin care products containing Prinsepia Utilis Royle and Portulaca Oleracea ingredients can quickly promote the synthesis of ceramide, effectively alleviate skin redness and itching, repair skin barrier, enhance skin tolerance, and relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of skin dermatitis.


  • Don’t scratch

When we have dermatitis, we always like to scratch, rub and scald with hot water to stop itching. Such an approach will only make dermatitis difficult to heal repeatedly, and the skin will be thickened and rough.

Summer dermatitis is easy to recur, and patients need to have enough patience and targeted repairs to the skin and use effective skincare ingredients to repair skin.

One thought on “What to do with Summer Dermatitis?

  1. Keep like this admin, thank you so much.

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