skin care

What to do If T-Zone of the Face Prone to Oil?

Here are the skin problems caused by oil in T-zone



When the sebaceous glands secrete oil through the hair follicles, but when there is too much oil secretion, or the surface of the hair follicle is blocked by dust, the oil that cannot be discharged normally will accumulate in the pores. When encountering bacteria and dirty air, malignant fatty acid (oil is mainly composed of fat) or anaerobic bacteria will cause acne.


Enlarge pores

Excessive oil secretion will enlarge the pores, and the large the pores, the more oil secretion will be. This is a vicious circle.


Dullness and yellowing skin tone

Red and swollen noses and dull skin tone are not only caused by the accumulation of melanin but more importantly, the oxidation of sebum. When the stratum corneum is unable to make good use of the oil, the oil will accumulate in the nose of the sebaceous glands. Over time, the oil will oxidize and become dull on the surface of the skin, which will cause uneven skin tone on the nose and even the entire face.



When the sebum accumulated in the pores is not discharged for a long time, plus cell debris and bacteria, it will become comedones. This is because the oil is exposed to the outside of the pores and is oxidized and hardened by air.



  1. Don’t wash your face frequently to remove oil

People who wash their face frequently think that increasing the number of washing the face can remove facial oil, but the result is that the more they wash, the more oil they are.

This is because our skin itself has a certain function of regulating the water-oil balance. When the skin is over-cleansed and a large amount of oil is washed away, the sebaceous glands will secrete more oil to replenish the lost oil, resulting in a more oily state.


  1. Don’t control oil without replenishing moisture

80% of oily skin is dehydrated, and this exuberant amount of oil will conceal the fact that the skin is dehydrated.

If you only control oil and do not replenish moisture, the balance system in the body will naturally be active and continue to secrete more oil to replenish a large amount of lost oil, forming a vicious circle of more control more oil.


  1. Don’t use moisturizing spray intensively

Don’t be misled by the “moisturizing” of the moisturizing spray. In fact, the moisturizing spray does not contain water-locking and moisturizing ingredients. Continuously using moisturizing spray on the face can feel the temporary coolness and moisture of the skin, but when the moisture evaporates, it will take away the moisture on the skin’s surface and make the skin drier.


How to care

  1. Clean the T-zone carefully

This site is prone to oil, and it is easy to cause clogging of pores if it is not carefully cleaned, and comedones will be formed. So everyone must focus on cleaning this part, and the oil will be improved if it is well-cleaned.


  1. Pay attention to water and oil balance

The water and oil are imbalanced and the skin is oily on the surface, so everyone needs to replenish the skin with water so that the skin is not so easy to get oily.

Applying a mask and using moisturizing essence are both good choices. After facial cleansing at night apply a moisturizing mask, and then apply moisturizing essence and moisturizing cream. The skin condition will be much better the next day.


  1. Drink more water

The skin is oily, indicating that the body is also short of water, so everyone should pay attention to it because the body’s water shortage can also cause many other skin problems.


  1. Shrink pores

Pore shrinkage is also a problem that oily skin should pay attention to. Oily skin is prone to long-term accumulation of the skin. After facial cleansing, be sure to choose a toner that has the effect of shrinking pores.

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