skin care

Common Skin Problem and the Causes of Skin Problems

Skin type is hereditary, and skin problems are mostly caused by improper care. Next, let’s talk about some common skin problems and their causes.


Firstly, dryness skin, sagging skin, wrinkled skin and their causes.


The dermis of our skin contains a lot of collagen, which is like the reservoir of our skin. It has great toughness and strong tensile strengthen, but lacks elasticity. Once damaged by ultraviolet rays and free radicals, the production of collagen fibers and elastic fibers are reduced, damaged and broken. Meanwhile, the dermal layer network structure gradually loosens, and the skin will appear wrinkles or sagging.


Free radicals are a harmful substance produced in the body metabolism process. It has strong oxidizing properties, which can damage the tissues and cells of the body, cause many skin problems, also accelerate the aging of the human body.


Secondly, oily skin, enlarged pores and their causes.


The loss of skin collagen leads to a decrease in the skin ability to retain moisture. The basal layer lacks water, and the skin immune system produces a stress response. In order to protect the skin, it produces a lot of oil and then becomes oily skin.


Coarse pores are caused by excessive secretion of skin oils, resulting in abnormal skin elastic fibers, reduction of supporting tissues around hair follicles, loss of support, and increasing skin pores.


Thirdly, dullness skin, dark spots and their causes.


The loss of skin collagen leads to the weakening of the skin moisture storage function, slow cell metabolism, and accumulation of dead skin cells. In addition to the attack of free radicals, the keratin is oxidized and tyrosine is activated, leading to accumulation of memelanocytes, masking skin dullness and form dark spot.


As a matter of fact, scavenging free radicals and supplementing collagen is the key way to solve skin problems.

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