skin care

Do You Know Your Skin Micro-Ecology?

The surface of healthy skin is composed of bad bacteria and good bacteria together to form a balanced micro-ecology. However, due to the environment, air, season, and care in our daily life, a little carelessness will cause the skin’s surface micro-ecology to lose its balance, leading to various skin problems.


Let’s take a look at the skin micro-ecology and the key to balancing the flora on the skin’s surface today.


Skin and micro-ecology

On the skin surface, there are various microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, mites, etc.), cell tissues, various secretions, micro-environment, etc. That together form a micro-ecological barrier, which plays an important role in the safety of the surface of the skin.


Bacteria on the surface of the skin

The flora on the skin surface is roughly divided into two types, one is resident bacteria and the other is temporary bacteria.


Under normal circumstances, not only the normal flora maintains a dynamic balance with the human body, but the flora also restricts each other. Not only does it cause no disease, but it plays an important role in the health of the skin and the body. However, when the skin barrier is damaged and the flora is imbalanced, certain flora that normally resides on the human skin can cause skin diseases and even systemic diseases, such as acne, dermatitis, stains, and so on.


Survival and distribution

The surface structure, temperature, pH, humidity, etc. Of different areas on the skin surface are different. Therefore, the types and numbers of bacteria living in different places vary greatly. For example, in areas with strong lipid secretion (forehead, nose, back), there are more Propionibacterium and Staphylococcus, and in wet and sweaty areas (nostrils, armpits, elbows), there are more coryneform bacteria.


At the same time, not only does the skin’s ecological environment has a greater impact on the distribution and survival of the flora. For different ages, different races, different genders, and different occupations, clothing or daily use cleaning products will also have an impact on the distribution of the bacteria flora in various places.


The biophysical parameters of the skin surface are closely related to the micro-ecology of the skin surface. For example, the higher the skin moisture content, the more Malassezia bacteria; the higher the skin gloss, the more Staphylococcus epidermidis.


The importance of skin micro-ecological balance

In our daily life, we obviously take care of the skin, but the skin still has acne, comedones, and sensitivity. There may be skin problems just because your skin’s micro-ecological balance is out of balance. According to research, once the skin loses its micro-ecological balance, the consequences are serious. For example, the surface of the skin that is invaded by staphylococcus aureus will produce insufficient amounts of antimicrobial peptides, causing allergic dermatitis, leading to itching, dryness, and irritation of the skin.


Skincare products and skin micro-ecology

The use of cosmetics will affect the micro-ecology of the skin. First of all, cosmetics are rich in moisture and nutrients, which are high-quality foods of microorganisms; secondly, cosmetics affect the skin micro-ecology by affecting the skin’s pH, humidity, and oil content.

One thought on “Do You Know Your Skin Micro-Ecology?

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