skin care

What Is Going on with Acne on the Chest and Back?

Today, let’s talk about the causes of acne on the chest and back.


  1. Strong oil secretion

There are many reasons why girls are prone to acne on the chest and back. In many cases, it is caused by excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat. Our back skin has many sebaceous glands, so the oil secretion is quite active, and the amount of back sweating is also increasing in summer. Over a long period of time, the oil and dirt accumulated in the skin and hair follicles will easily become clogged and eventually accumulate to form acne.


  1. Inadequate cleaning

Not only need to work hard to remove makeup, but also pay attention to the skincare of our body. When taking a bath, if the residues of chemicals such as shampoo, shower gel, antiperspirant spray, perfume, and so on are not cleaned, they will also have certain irritation and harm to our skin. Over time, the skin will also have acne and comedones problems. Therefore, girls with long hair are recommended to wash their hair in the bath and then tie it up before washing the body. This will help reduce these residues.


  1. Folliculitis

Folliculitis is a purulent inflammation that takes hair follicles as a unit and is confirmed to be hair follicles. It is a bacterial infectious skin disease, which is mainly caused by staphylococcus aureus, a few are caused by other bacteria such as staphylococcus epidermidis and streptococcus. It is mostly found in high-temperature and humid environments.


Acne is mostly caused by sebaceous gland obstruction, but acne may also be infected with bacteria and become folliculitis.


When “acne” develops on the chest and back, first pay attention to clean skin and apply antibiotic ointment locally. If the condition is more serious, such as enlarge “acne” areas, redness, swelling, ulceration, or fever, you can go to a dermatology hospital for treatment as needed.


How to cure acne in the body?


  1. Focus on body care

Do not treat the acne on the chest and back as pimples or acne by applying various anti-acne creams on the body. This not only does not have an effect on acne but also triggers steroid hormones in the body, making acne more serious. For “acne”, we can use more alkaline shower gel and sulfur soap to clean the body. After taking a bath, wipe off the moisture on the body with a towel, and finally use body lotion to pay attention to the moisturizing of the body.


You can choose a long-handled soft-bristled brush. Hold the brush with your left hand and wash your right back from the bottom to the top. Hold the brush with your right hand and wash your left back from bottom to top. People who are prone to acne-prone necks should remember to scrub around the neck by the way and massage the back in a spiral counterclockwise direction.


  1. Pay attention to daily cleaning

Our bodies are exposed to many things every day, such as bedsheets, if they are not covered, there will be a lot of dust, including pajamas, underwear, and other personal clothing that must be cleaned in time. Therefore, bathing frequently, changing clothes frequently, bedding and towels, etc. must be washed and exposed to sterilization to keep the items in contact with the body clean and tidy.


  1. Change eating habits

Pay special attention to diet, eat less greasy and spicy meat and desserts, and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in high fiber and vitamins. Only with balanced nutrition can you have a healthy body.

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