skin care

The Efficacy of Herbal Plants in Skin Care Products

Herbal skincare products with active ingredients derived from natural plants. The main function is to cooperate with the skin’s natural renewal period to protect, regulate or balance the natural state of different skins.


The main ingredients of plant skincare products are natural plant essences, which are extracted from the leaves, stems, petals, fruits, and roots of plants. Let’s take a look at the effects of some herbal plants.


Aloe Vera

Main efficacy: soothe and clam skin sensitivity

Secondary efficacy: moisturizer and nutritional effects beneficial to skin


Extracted from ALOE BARBADENSIS LEAF, the ingredients are extremely gentle and safe, deeply moisturizing, and anti-oxidant. It has the properties of making skin astringent, softening, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory.


Aloe Vera can relieve hardening, keratosis and improve scars, not only prevent wrinkles, eye bags, and sagging skin but also keep the skin moist and tender. The polysaccharides and vitamins contained in aloe vera have moisturizing, nourishing, and whitening effects on human skin.

ALOE BARBADENSIS LEAF deeply moisturizing and anti-oxidant


Main efficacy: proliferate skin collagen production

Secondary efficacy: promote skin metabolism


Extracted from CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS, rich in chlorophyll A and chlorophyll C, carotene, vitamins and inorganic salts, which has a natural anti-oxidant effects.


The ionic components in the seaweed extract can proliferate the production of skin collagen and promote skin metabolism. Apply CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS EXTRACT in skin care products can promote blood circulation in the skin, effectively remove fine lines, smooth pores and slow down the aging of the skin.

CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS EXTRACT proliferate the production of skin collagen and promote skin metabolism


Olive Leaf

Main efficacy: prevent roughness skin, regulate skin’s moisture balance

Secondary efficacy: inhibit melanin production caused by UV stimulation


Extracted from Olive leaf used in skin care products has protective-antioxidant and repairing effects, maintain the viability of skin cells, promote collagen metabolism and synthesis.


Olive leaves that undergo photosynthesis under sufficient sunlight contain more antioxidants than olive fruits. It is rich in flavonoids, coenzyme Q10 and other excellent antioxidant ingredients, which help the skin effectively resist oxidative damage, maintain skin softness and elasticity to achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation.

Olive leaf prevent roughness skin, regulate skin’s moisture balance


Main efficacy: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, anti-ultraviolet, sun protection


GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA ROOT extract can penetrate deep into the skin and maintain high activity, effectively inhibiting the activity of various enzymes (such as inhibiting tyrosinase) during the process of melanin production. At the same time, glycyrrhiza glabra extract has the effects of preventing skin roughness, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

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