skin care

24 Easy-to-Ignore Makeup and Skin Care Tips

About sun protection:

  1. Sunscreen should be applied throughout the year, on cloudy and sunny days.
  2. Don’t think that you can just wear a sunscreen umbrella without applying sunscreen. UV rays will be reflected in all directions when they reach the uneven ground, and they will just be reflected on your face.
  3. You must use enough sunscreen, otherwise, the sunscreen effect will be greatly reduced. The correct amount is the size of a dollar coin. Sunscreen of different textures can be adjusted accordingly.
  4. The foundation with SPF cannot replace sunscreen, and its protective ability is not enough.
  5. Sun protection is important because it not only prevents sunburn, it also prevents you from getting old.
  6. When you have skin problems or sensitivity, you should also do sun protection. If it is not convenient to apply sunscreen, you can choose to do physical sunscreen.
  7. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going out to allow time for the sunscreen to form a film and provide better sun protection.


About skincare products:

  1. Skincare products have two periods, one is the shelf life, and the other is the shelf life after opening, which refers to how long it takes to use up after opening. For example, 6M means to use up 6 months after opening.
  2. The choice of skincare products lies in demand and economic capacity and has little to do with age and gender.
  3. Don’t just apply skin products to your face, take care of neck skin.
  4. Skincare products that need to be protected from light refer to avoiding sunlight not means you can’t turn on the light and use your phone.
  5. If skincare product is balling up, it can only indicate that the product has a bad skin feel, but it does not indicate that the product is not effective.
  6. Skincare products are not that the more viscous they have, the more active ingredients they have. It’s just because there are more thickeners.
  7. One skincare product cannot solve all skin problems.
  8. Skincare products are not medicines. Ask your doctor if you have serious skin problems.
  9. The fluorescent agent added to the regular product according to the regulations will not harm the skin. It is not advisable to use ultraviolet light to detect whether there are fluorescent agents in skincare products, because some ingredients have fluorescent reactions, but are not fluorescent agents.
  10. Whitening products take at least one month or more to be effective, and quick-acting whitening is not credible.
  11. Do not apply the mask every day, just 2-3 times a week, and the time for each application should not exceed 20 minutes.


About ingredients:

  1. Silicone oil will not clog the pores, but will also give the skin a smooth silicone feel.
  2. Before using strong ingredients (such as retinoid), you must first test whether the skin can tolerate it, and then start from low frequency and low concentration and gradually increase it.
  3. Vitamin C can be used during the day, just take sun protection and apply sunscreen.
  4. Natural ingredients are actually chemical ingredients, which does not mean that they are 100% safe and non-irritating.
  5. Retinol is not only anti-aging but also anti-acne.
  6. It is not scientific to talk about effects and harms regardless of concentration.

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