skin care

Can Our Skin Texture Be Changed?

Many people think that skin texture is inherently unchangeable. Although skin texture is determined by genes and cannot be changed fundamentally, the environment has a great influence on people and can change our skin texture. Today we will take a look at what factors can change our skin texture.


  1. Aging

The skin of a person in infancy is neutral, but as people grow older and enter puberty, some people will become oily skin or mixed oily skin. Therefore, many teenagers develop acne during adolescence. At this time, skin care needs to use oil control and anti-inflammatory products to prevent acne breeding.


As people get older, the skin will gradually change to dry or mixed dry skin. Therefore, if you want to give skin care products as gift to your elders, you can choose some moisturizing skin care products.


2. Seasonal and regional changes

The secretion of oil increases in summer, and the secretion of skin oil decrease in winter, so skin care needs to change according to the seasons. Moreover, the southern region is cold and dry, so people in different regions have different skin texture.


3. Inappropriate skin care

Choose products that are suitable for your skin type. Choosing products indiscriminately will harm your skin. Think about it if you don’t need anti-acne but are using anti-acne products. This is not skin care but skin damage. Acne skin care products contain certain anti-inflammatory ingredients. Long-term use when the skin is in good condition will irritate the skin and cause the skin to become oily or dry.


4. Impaired barrier

The skin barrier includes the stratum corneum and the sebaceous membrane. We can think of the skin as a brick wall, the stratum corneum is the bricks that make up the brick wall. If there is a problem with the skin barrier, it can easily fall like a brick wall.


When the barrier is damaged, skin moisture is easily lost, so it is easy to become dry skin or mixed dry skin. Usually pay attention to supplementing ceramide and other ingredients to strengthen the stratum corneum and repair the sebum membrane. In addition, it should be cleaned appropriately to reduce damage to the skin.


5. Diet

The impact of diet on the skin is long-lasting. It is a life habit that has a great impact. For people who often eat high-calorie, junk food, the skin is naturally greasy and floury, acne-prone. People who eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins will naturally have delicate and smooth skin.



Our skin texture has been undergoing subtle changes, and the focus of skin care at each stage is different. You can’t stick to a set of conventional skin care methods, and you must be flexible to identify products to improve your skin texture.

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