skin care

The Importance of Basic Skin Care Hydrating Moisturizing Sun Protection

The basic skin care have three main points: hydrating, moisturizing and sun protection.


Basic skin care is the prerequisite for stable skin condition.Stable skin condition is the basis for whitening, anti-wrinkle and firming.



The first step in hydrating is to add moisture to the stratum corneum. Under normal circumstances, the water content of the stratum corneum should be about 10%, below this level, skin is in a state of dehydration.


After washing the face, the skin looks particularly soft and tender, spray moisturizing spray on the face, these are all belong to add moisture to the stratum corneum.


The moisture content of the skin is also closely related to the water content of the body. If the body is dehydrated, the skin will naturally be dehydrated. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure enough moisture every day to maintain a good concentration of body fluids and can be used by the skin.


The lack of moisture in the skin will prevent the dead skin cells from peeling off, and the skin will become rough. With the daily secretion of oil, it is easy to clog the pores and from comedo and acne.


In addition, the dehydrated skin dull, the pores are enlarged, and the skin water and oil secretion is unbalanced.



Healthy skin has the ability to moisturize itself and avoid excessive evaporation of skin moisture.


After hydrating, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing product. The ingredients of moisturizing locking function, generally water-soluble small molecules, macromolecules.


There is a class of oil-soluble components, such as vegetable oil, mineral oil, and synthesis. The vegetable oil can be absorbed by the skin. Mineral oil and synthetic lipids all form an oil film, enclosed the skin. Thereby preventing moisture from escape to maintain the moisture content of the skin.

In the lotion and cream, the ingredient of the oil is the part that is truly moisturizing effect.


Sun protection

Whether it is winter or summer, as long as there is a sun, there are ultraviolet rays. UVA and UVB in the ultraviolet rays are classic means of nature damage to the skin. Ultraviolet rays cause a skin inflammation, the elastic fibers of the skin are aging, breaking, so the skin is sagging, which is permanent damage. So remember to apply sunscreen everyday.

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