skin care

Ectoin — The Patron Saint of the Skin Barrier

Ecdoin is a kind of anti-stress protective molecule, which survives in the “mirror of the sky” in salar de Uyuni. It can still maintain a good active state under the extreme environment of high temperature, high salt, and strong ultraviolet rays. For skin care, it can protect the skin and maintain healthy skin.


The molecule of Ectoin is highly water-absorbent, and more importantly, it has a special structure. It is like a “small shield” around the bacterial DNA and protein (enzyme), which can reduce the damage of strong ultraviolet rays under high salt conditions.


The main effects of Ectoin: protection, prevention, repair and regeneration.


The excellent stability and protection of Ectoin brings viaible and long-term anti-aging effects to our skin. Clinical studies have shown that skin conditions continue to increase, such as increasing elasticity, reducing wrinkles or skin roughness. By repairing the skin, restoring and regulating the moisture content of the skin, Ectoin reduces TEWL (transdermal moisture loss), improves the degree of hydration, and retains skin moisture for 7 days without repeated use.


In addition, Ectoin can also calm and sooth irritated and damaged skin. The regeneration process of the skin is significantly increased. Due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, Ectoin is even used to treat atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) or allergic skin diseases.


Ectoin has been shown to protect 100% of epidermal immune cells called “epidermal melanocytes” from damage. In addition to the skin’s antioxidant self-defense, these cells help protect the skin by recognizing antigens and inducing antibody defense responses.


Epidermal melanocytes are sensitive to external stress factors. The decrease in the number of epidermal melanocytes is a sign of skin damage and aging. Ectoin protects the number of epidermal melanocytes in human skin exposed to ultraviolet light, thereby reducing the cellular immune suppression caused by ultraviolet light. Ectoin prevents photoaging by protecting epidermal melanocytes from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.


Ectorin can effectively enhance the immune protection ability of skin cells, increase cell repair ability, so that the skin can effectively resist the invasion of microorganisms and allergens, and can play a good repair effect on skin peeling, redness, fever and other conditions, and accelerate recovery of skin health.

Ectoin Repair Face Cream

Ectoin Repair Cream

  • Replenish sufficient aqua
  • Repair skin discomfort
  • Calm and soothe irritated and damaged skin
  • Stabilize the skin condition
  • Enhances the skin moisture degree and self-repair ability

Ectoin Repair Essence


  • Sufficient hydration
  • Enhance skin’s absorbency with hydration
  • Fade dark spots and even the skin tone
  • Intensify the results of skin regimen




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