skin care

On the Correct Way to Combat Sagging Skin

Speaking of aging, we are the easiest to think of facial wrinkles and sagging caused by the loss of collagen.


How does skin age cause wrinkles?



Photoaging is the damage caused by long-term exposure to sunlight, which manifests as rough, thickness, loose, deep, and thick wrinkles.



Your wrinkle physique may also be genetically determined. If your parents and immediate family members have more wrinkles than your peers, your skin genes may also age faster than your peers.


Time flies

As we age, human organs are aging, including the skin, which is the internal cause of skin aging.


Hormone deficiency

After a certain age, the secretion of hormones will decrease a lot when you are younger, the skin will also be affected, and the skin texture and elasticity will change.


Loss of fat and calcium

As we age, part of the body’s fat and calcium is lost, so the skin lacks support and begins to become loose.


Loss of collagen, displacement of muscles and fat pads

With age, the loss of collagen in the skin will become more and more serious. The earlier and deeper the wrinkles appear in the most frequent facial movements. In addition, facial muscles will sag due to the loss of collagen.


Skin barrier tissue is destroyed

Under the influence of irritating ingredients in the unprotected sun and skincare products, some important skin substances (such as ceramides, antioxidants, sodium hyaluronate, and lecithin) will be weakened, making the skin more susceptible to sunburn, smoke, air, and pollution.


Bad habits

Many bad habits in life are slowly dragging down your skin invisibly. Like staying up all night and looking down at the phone, it is easy for the skin to say, double chin, and the facial lines become blurred.



3 essential ingredients for healthy skin

“Antioxidants”, “Cell Communication Factors”, and “Skin-Similar Ingredients” are the three essential ingredients for us to maintain healthy skin.



The antioxidant is basically found in all skincare products, and it is essential to apply antioxidants on the skin, and of course, it also needs to reach an effective content. There are many kinds of antioxidants, such as yeast fermentation extract, artichoke leaf extract, black Ganoderma extract, soybean extract, cysteine, etc.


The benefits of antioxidants for skincare are mainly reflected in:

Reduce or prevent daily free radical damage and inflammation, so as to avoid affecting the skin’s self-repair ability, keep the skin healthy, and tighten the skin to fight skin aging.


Enhance the effectiveness of sunscreens and help the skin fight against the harmful factors of the environment.


Helps skin repair and stimulates the production of healthy collagen.


However, it is worth noting that the antioxidant ingredients have very weak resistance to light and air, so when storing skincare products containing this ingredient, they must be protected from light and sealed.


Substances with the same skin structure/ skin repair ingredients

Healthy and young skin naturally contains abundant ingredients that are the same as the skin structure. These ingredients help the skin to maintain smoothness, maintain moisture, protect the skin from external environmental factors and external forces and can repair the external and internal barrier tissues of the skin.


When the skin appears dry, desquamated and cracked, and its barrier function is significantly reduced, they can quickly restore the skin’s moisturizing and barrier function. Regular use of these ingredients can weaken skin sensitivity and reduce skin aging.


Substances that have the same structure as the skin include ceramide, lecithin, glycerin, fatty acids, polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate, sodium PCA, collagen, elastin, protein, amino acids, cholesterol, etc. These substances are very important for keeping the skin healthy.


Cell communication factor

As mentioned earlier, antioxidants can reduce or prevent daily free radical damage and inflammation, but in theory, the role of cell communication factors is more important. These substances can issue “commands” to maintain better health of skin cells or prevent other harmful substances from damaging skin cells. Not only that, but it can also strengthen the antioxidant function of skin cells.


If there is no protection for many years or if the protection is poor, abnormal skin cells will be produced after sun exposure. Under normal circumstances, the skin uses normal, regular, and complete cells to achieve self-renewal. Once the damaged cells proliferate and multiply, the newly generated cell structure will become flat, irregular, and even abnormal cell morphology. Its function also becomes bad. At this time, cellular communication factors are needed to repair. Important cell communication factors include nicotinamide, retinol, synthetic peptides, lecithin, ceramide, adenosine triphosphate, and so on.

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