skin care

Do You Know the Difference Between Sensitive Skin and Allergies Skin?

Essentially different

Allergies refer to the symptoms of redness, swelling, heat, pain, and itching that occur when the skin is stimulated by various allergens.


Sensitivity is a skin condition. Sensitivity means that the skin is fragile and easily affected by various irritants.


The cause is different

Allergies: From the origin of allergies, there are food factors, seasonal factors, drug factors, chemical factors, genetic factors, etc.


Sensitivity: There are mainly congenital and acquired. The former is mainly related to genetics and physique; the latter is mainly related to factors such as improper maintenance, abuse of cosmetics, sun exposure, sand blowing, and peeling with AHA, etc…


Specific performance is different

Skin allergies: Skin congestion, redness, itching, red rash, acne, and severe peeling and edema, and generally stay for a long time.


Sensitive skin: Skin is thin and fragile, capillaries are exposed, hot and cold temperature different is prone to redness, showing uneven flushing, small red rashes (usually caused by the use of hormone cosmetics) caused by the season and skincare products, and severe sensitive can cause allergies.


How to care for sensitive skin?


Principles of sensitive skincare: As sensitive skin is very fragile, we should try our best to choose mild products for daily care.


Makeup remover: The mildest type of makeup remover product is a cleansing oil. The makeup on the face is generally oily. Use the cleansing oil to remove makeup in an oily way. The ingredients are gentler, remove the residual makeup of the skin more deeply, will not irritate the skin, and can play a good deep cleansing effect.


Cleansing: Try to use amino acid-based cleansing products and avoid choosing soap=based cleansing products. Soap base will destroy the skin’s water and oil balance, making the skin more fragile and tense after cleansing, and it is easy to form soap scales to clog pores and cause a new round of skin problems.


Daily repair: The key to repairing sensitive skin is moisturizing and hydrating. Regardless of whether it is toner or cream to be applied, it must be necessary to keep the skin moisturized at all times. Of course, all kinds of hydrating sprays are only temporary relief, so don’t forget to use cream and lotion. Products used for sensitive skin should not contain too many complex ingredients. Products rich in hyaluronic acid are preferred. Hyaluronic acid is a cross-linked polymer that can form a three-dimensional network structure, evenly covering the skin surface, forming a layer of breathable film, which can not only strengthen the skin barrier function, reduce the loss of water separation, but also help the skin to alleviate the weak state.


Weekly care: Daily repairs are not enough, and weekly care is needed. You can choose one day a week to use a repairing mask to concentrate on repairing your skin. (Pay attention to the safety of ingredients, do not use irritating whitening masks.) Use a repairing mask to help the skin speed up the repair of the barrier and rebuild the skin’s resistance.


If you want to repair sensitive skin, it is not advisable to blindly pursue quick results. If the product you use can get results quickly, it thinks that you have encountered a hormone product. After all, even if you use medical aesthetics, the recovery of your skin will not be achieved in a day and a half. Therefore, like sensitive skin, you must take corrective measures step by step.


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