skin care

Understand the Label Name in the Ingredient List

Have you read the ingredient label in your skincare products and cosmetics? Today, let’s take a look at some common senses about the ingredients of skincare products and cosmetics on the packaging.


Vitamin A: Oral vitamin A has the effect of maintaining normal vision. It is often labeled as retinol and retinal in the ingredient list of skincare products and cosmetics, which can play an anti-aging effect.


Vitamin B3: It has the effect of strengthening the moisturizing barrier of the epidermis. It can also regulate sebum secretion, brighten skin tone, and dilute fine lines. It is often labeled as niacinamide in the ingredient list of skincare products and cosmetics.


Provitamin B5: It can enhance the skin’s water-holding capacity and achieve the effect of moisturizing. It is often labeled as panthenol in the ingredient list of skincare products and cosmetics.


Vitamin C: It can scavenge oxygen free radicals in the body and has an anti-oxidant effect. It is often labeled as ascorbic acid in the ingredient list of skincare products and cosmetics.


Vitamin E: Like vitamin C, it has a strong antioxidant capacity, and it is often labeled as tocopherol in the ingredient list of skincare products and cosmetics.


Caffeine: The caffeine in cosmetics is different from the coffee we usually drink. The caffeine in skincare products mainly plays the role of anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, and regulating the skin’s water circulation.


Ceramide: The ceramide on the product ingredient list is one of the natural components of the stratum corneum of our skin. The ceramide used in cosmetics can play a good role in moisturizing, maintaining the skin barrier, and anti-aging.


Alcohol: Alcohol is generally labeled as ethanol in the ingredient lists of cosmetics and skincare products. It can quickly evaporate on the surface of the skin and form a cooling sensation. At the same time, it has a certain astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It is often used as a solvent in products such as toner and lotion. The practice has proven to be safe and suitable, but it is not suitable for frequent and large-scale use for sensitive skin and dry skin.


Hyaluronic acid: It will be labeled as hyaluronic acid in the ingredient list cosmetics and skincare products. It can carry more than 500times of water. As the best moisturizing ingredient recognized today, it is widely used in skin care products and cosmetics. Its moisturizing properties play an excellent moisturizing effect in the skin tissue and make the skin smooth and delicate by quickly replenishing moisture.


Alpha Hydroxyl Acid: It is labeled as glycolic acid or lactobionic acid on the ingredient list. In daily skincare, it can remove old dead skin cells, accelerate the renewal of epidermal cells in the upper layer of the skin, and promote the proliferation of elastic fibers in the dermis. It has a good therapeutic effect on superficial acne scars and enlarged pores, but it has great stimulation to sensitive skin. More suitable for oily skin with a good barrier function.


The order of the ingredients does not mean their importance

The water and other substances in the ingredient list, such as glycerin and butylene glycol, are commonly used solvents. In addition to their basic moisturizing effect, they help disperse and dissolve the effective ingredients in cosmetics and help these effective ingredients come into contact with our skin or hair to play a role. The content of many active ingredients may not be as high as water, and they are ranked after water in the ingredient list, but they are an important factor in the effectiveness of cosmetics.


Importance of formula system

Is the ingredient listed on the ingredient list a highly effective and useful ingredient? No! It also depends on the rigor of the formula system. For example, you bought a bottle of vitamin C essence in a transparent glass bottle, which is known as a high concentration. Is it whitening if the content is high? No! The stability of vitamin C is extremely poor. Secondly, vitamin C is afraid of light and air oxidation. It is easy to be decomposed without light isolation, and it has a certain degree of irritation and is not friendly to sensitive skin.


However, all this involves the rigor of brand research and development. Many seemingly famous brands have exquisite packaging, but in fact, they have exposed many professional problems of the brand. 


The research craze for ingredient lists is a testament to the development of our times and that consumption is more rational. However, when we look at the ingredient list, we should not fall into the misunderstanding of knowledge and hold prejudices or misunderstandings about products or ingredients.


At any time, the core of skincare products is raw materials and formulas. If the brand does not have the corresponding rigor and professionalism. Let you understand the names of all the ingredients on the ingredient list, but without a rigorous and professional formula to combine them, no matter how good the ingredients are, it will only hurt your skin, not skincare.

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